Monday, November 16, 2009

5 things about/in the universe

1. The first thing I want to talk about is Saturn's moon Titan, which scientist have already sent the Cassini probe to investigate the moons surface, atmosphere, and composition. The data they received back was phenomenal and unbelievable. They discovered geographic regions very similar to earth such as streams, rivers, mountains and lakes. The surprising thing about these features is that they are not made up of water but liquid nitrogen. Titan's atmosphere also rains liquid nitrogen.

2. The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, it has about 1 trillion stars in it. It is not the closest galaxy though and is apart of our galaxy cluster. It has a couple of red giants in it.

3. Binary star systems, are solar systems that have two stars that affect the planets and other celestrial body's in the solar systems. The larger star is called the primary star and the smaller of the two or more is called the companion.

4.The Asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter, where the majority of our solar system's asteroids are found. There 's more than one asteroid belt in our solar system: the Kuiper belt holds some of the largest asteroids including Quaoar and Ixion being about half the size of Pluto. Many Scientist believe that the asteroid belt is a remnant of a large collision of two planets.

5. The Hubble space telescope was carried into orbit by the space shuttle Discovery. Hubble was the first space telescope ever. It was put into space to provide better, more accurate pictures and measurements. It was successful at this because of the many factors that would've presented an obstacle on Earth are not in space, such as Earth's atmosphere, space dust

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